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Regular price RM417.00 MYR
Regular price Sale price RM417.00 MYR
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It can be used as a stand for dripping, and can also be enjoyed as an interior or storage. You can also use the scale under the stand to drip with a more accurate amount of hot water.

Solid wood is used for the base to maintain a sense of stability when the dripper and carafe are placed, and a molded plywood cover is used to create a light impression. The simple and soft design that adds color to the interior is a dripper stand that makes you feel richer when you brew coffee carefully.

Material: Oak / Walnut / Plywood
Size: W180 x D120 x H200 mm
Country of origin: Japan

-This product is designed for use as a dripper stand. Please refrain from using it for purposes other than its intended purpose.
・ Do not give a strong impact such as throwing or dropping. It may cause damage.
・ Do not place near fire.
・ Please refrain from using the dishwasher and dryer.
・ Do not soak in water or hot water. It may cause deformation or discoloration. If it gets wet, wipe it off quickly with a soft, dry cloth to dry it.
・ For daily care, wipe gently with a soft, dry cloth.
・ If dirt is noticeable, dilute a neutral detergent to about 3 to 5% with lukewarm water, soak a soft cloth in it, squeeze it well, and wipe it off. After that, squeeze a cloth soaked in water well to wipe off the detergent solution, wipe it with a soft cloth, and let it air dry.
・ Store in a dry state, avoiding hot and humid places and direct sunlight.

【Karimoku x Blue Bottle Coffee Morning Collection​​】
カリモクの起源は、愛知県刈谷市で小さな木工所を始めた 1940 年に遡ります。 高度な機械の技術と職人の技を融合させる「ハイテク &ハイタッチ」という製造コンセプトを掲げて 木材生産分野における土台を作りあげた、日本を代表する木製家具メーカーです。

Care Instructions